SPRING GREEN, Wis. - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told voters in America's Dairyland on Monday that President Bush had a secret plan that would hurt milk producers after the election.
I did a quick search on this program and I found this article on the plan in question.
Legislators initially estimated the milk program would cost taxpayers $1.3 billion before it expired in September 2005. As of June 13, the program had spent $1.5 billion, said Wayne Schwartz, of the Farm Service Agency's Wisconsin office. That higher tab is because milk prices have dropped further than anyone expected, he said.
Seems to me that there is an expiration date clearly listed in the law. From reading the one article it seems that this law seems to be propping up some marginal farms and creating more problems than it is supposed to fix. While I can sympathize with those who need the assistance I wonder if it is only prolonging the inevitable.