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July 26, 2004
Congratulations Lance

Congratulations to Lance Armstrong on winning his unprecedented 6th straight tour de France, all this after beating testicular cancer. Having said that I do have a question as to why the US postal service deems it necessary to spend all that money to field a team. It’s not like they need the advertising to combat all of the competition they currently face. Does anyone know the reason for this waste of money?

Posted by Pete at July 26, 2004 12:53 PM | TrackBack

Advertising. It's from their advertising budget. The USPS was originally thinking of sponsoring a NASCAR car, but that was *really* expensive.

Personally, I'd hesitate to call it a waste of money. They're rolling in some serious bucks, because all of the co-sponsors (Berry Floor, VISA, Trek bikes, Discover Communications, AOL, among others) pay USPS for the right to be co-sponsors.

Posted by: Victor at August 3, 2004 12:25 PM
Talk to Me.

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